Adam Glascow Cup
Wanganui Camera Club
May 2012
Set of six digital images

7. Reminiscing VCC

Reminising - VCC (1)

Reminising - VCC (2)

Reminising - VCC (3)

Reminising - VCC (4)

Reminising - VCC (5)

Reminising - VCC (6)

A good variety of vehicles and sttings here, with the WW2 jeep apparently on a WW2 Bailey bridge as the outstanding image.

The costumed people on the jeep and the darkened background add greatly to the atmosphere of this image: It would have been good to have seen these features in some of the other images too. A little editing on image VCC(1) to darken the sky and brighten the cars would also help. Click here to see my quick edit of VCC(1)
