These are very sharp, crisp action photos with very expressive facial expressions; the most dynamic being #6 and the most expressive #1. I love the spectator swigging beer in #3.
It is hard to get good rugby images; you have to move up and down the sideline to keep close to the play, you need to have your eye to the viewfinder all the time, and fast movement takes place in low light.
I was left a bit dissatisfied with the story told by this sequence. Was it only a game of missed tackles? I would have liked to see the game developing, perhaps with image number 4 being a tackle finally connecting, crunch! And image numbers 5 and 6 the climax of the whole drama of rugby, evading a tackle and going over for a try. Tries are best photographed from behind the dead ball line, with the scorer running towards you. You have to anticipate the run of play and dash down the sideline to position yourself there when a try seems imminent.