Big Snowfall
5 - 6 July 2008
Bike ride |
Clearing snow sign
Desert Road closed
Extreme Caution Desert Road
Jimmy Tweeddales yard
Kim's horses
Letterboxes with crewcuts
Little Christmas tree
Lnnn Archer outside her house
Lynn framed
Matt Kearns on patio
Matt Kearns Waiouru police in snow
Mike Higgie controller Snow Hut
Mulvay's Bridge
Murray & Barbara's driveway
Murray West at Hihitahi
Ngarimu and Mohi - Waiouru
Road closed
Slip slide and away
snow fence
Snow mog
Snow Pizza
Snow Plow Desert Rd
Snow police
Snow road
Snow scene with gum
Snowplow Taihape deviation
Social starlings
Starling landing
Starlings squabbling
Steve & Maggie's snow house
Symphony with snowtwigs
Top of hill Taihape Deviation
Transfield snowplow
Welcome to Waiouru
Where's my car?