Kaimanawa Trek 2007
1. overview
Horses were kept secure at th the Argo Valley corrals in the upper Moawhango river valley
and rides went to Twin Towers rocks, Waiau Pa, Home Valley and Westlawn hut

Photography by John Archer and Udo Von Mulert

00 Friday evening arrival

01 wild stallion appears

02 stallion visits

03 Saturday - army breakfast

04 down the Argo

05 above Argo road

05.1 approaching Waiau Pa

06 watched by wild horses

07 under the blue sky

08 lunch stop Waiau bog

09 water hole

10 Sunday morning

11 Doc Morrison

12 Waiting for the riders

13 At Westlawn Hut

14 Ho Chi Minh Trail

15 down Yellowcake ridge

16 back from the hills

17 crossing Mowhango

20 last mile home

21 Panorama