August 2021
Seven years ago, roadworks destroyed a hectare of
complex ancient communities
of mosses, ferns,
shrubs, herbs and orchids, plus
a dozen 800-year-old Rimu trees,
so that skiers could get to their playground 15 seconds quicker.
iconic roadside mass of 'kiwi' orchids was more than 100 years old.
rimu and other tall trees sheltered this
unique roadside community
of mosses, herbs, orchids, ferns, seedlings and miniature shrubs.
Then the rimu harvesters and their bulldozers came.
The above rimu was one metre in
diameter, and 3 metres away from the road.
Other felled rimu were even further back. If the stumps had been left in
there would have been no soil disturbance, and
a lot less reinstatement needed.
Today, 6 years later, there has still been no reinstatement.