Waimarino Shears
Raetihi Showgrounds 12 March 2006

Hill country songs
I have captured our hill country way of life with my songs as well as with my photos. I would be happy to visit you and sing you songs about school buses and topdressing planes, ploughing and crutching, courtships and back country weddings, prefab postholes and eel attacks; fire, flood and my new-born son. John Archer, Waiouru. More details here.

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001setting up

006morning setup

012 Maxine trophies2

013Maxine trophies3

016 Windles truck

021 Sharpening blades



033 Tamati Pui2

038 Pui down porthole


052 Topia Aporo

Anton Edmonds

Bully querying judge

Bully shearing